Table Jeux D’échec Avec Tiroirs + Pions

C’est le meilleur rapport qualité prix en Tunisie Mar 2025, N’achetez plus de camelote.


CHESS TABLE WITH DRAWERS+PIECES   in olive wood, handmade and artisanal.

  Material: Natural Olive Wood

 carreau 4 cm * 4 cm

Category: Décoration - ديكور و تزويق
Tags: #artisanat, #deko, décoration

Chess table with drawers and pawns is a high quality, handcrafted item that will turn into an expensive antique over time.

With its meaningful geometric designs, this table adds warmth to your home, simply because it is handmade with love and passion in detail.
A beautiful handmade table made of the finest wood natural olive wood can use to decorate your home, living room, garden, space…

it also presents itself as a majestic decorative piece. It would be a precious gift for your loved ones!

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